Saturday, December 27, 2008

How to Hide CDROM in Windows

Do you know How To Hide Cd Or DVD Rom In Microsoft Windows if your answer is No then its time to see this small tip which will help you to hide your CD drive or DVD drive from you PC.
Just go to my computer ( windows + E (short cut)) to visit My computer and right click on the CD Drive you want to hide and select properties.

Once you Click properties you can see window with DVDCD-RW DRIVE PROPERTIES.Under that select hardware and select on the CD ROM you want to hide and click on properties.Once you click on properties another window with ROM Properties appears.You can find device usage at the bottom of the donnot use this device and click ok.

ou can notice your CD drive disappeared.To reactivate or get the CD Drive back just right click on any of your hard drives and follow the same procedure to activate the CD ROM.

Hope you like this post any comments and suggestions are welcome.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

it's nice of the developing technology.send more ideas on this and many more.thanks once again